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Ecommerce React Template

Ready-to-deploy Ecommerce Store

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Ready-to-deploy Ecommerce Store

"Ecommerce React Template is a ready-made and fully working ecommerce store built with the latest technologies and best practices. For this React Ecommerce template we have used React for the front-end, NodeJS for the back-end, PostgreSQL for storing the data and Sequelize as ORM.

It ships with page templates for products, landing pages, categories and a blog, as well as a CMS with an analytics dashboard and product management functionalities. A payment system is also already integrated."



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Sentry for React React Error Monitoring
๐Ÿ’™ Sponsored by Friends
Weโ€™re hosting on Digital Ocean! ๐Ÿ’™ Try it today and get a free $100 credit.
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icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 3.988