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Tools for creating UI Color Palettes

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Tools for creating UI Color Palettes

"Atmos is a toolbox specialized for creating better UI color palettes - from finding colors through generating shades to fine-tuning your palette.

Whether you're a total beginner or design professional, Atmos has everything you need to create your next color palette.

There are many design tools out there. However, each tool solves only part of the puzzle one generates colors, another creates shades, and 3rd one checks color contrast. With Atmos, you'll be able to create uniform color palettes without switching tools and juggling hex codes from one place to another.

Both the Atmos app and website are built with React.js and Next.js, using a shared UI library. Mobx is used for state management, the backend is built with Node.js. Everything is continuously deployed with ease using Vercel!"

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