made with react.js

Direct Flights

International Flight Directory

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International Flight Directory

"Explore all non-stop flights from any airport! Direct Flights lists all non-stop flights departing from +3,200 airports with +580 airlines, and display the route map in a 3D interactive visualization 🌎

  • πŸ—Ί Browse available destinations served by any airline or airport (eg. Where can I fly from Oakland? What airports are served by SouthWest?).
  • πŸ“Š Explore worldwide airports and airlines with crispy stats.
  • πŸ“† Get weekly flight schedule per route.
  • πŸ›’ Find the cheapest flight and book your one-way direct flight.

The frontend is built on React & NodeJS. The backend is built in Python using celery workers, and hosted on Google Kubernetes Engine. The map is rendered with HTML5 Canvas using react-konva, while interactions with the zoom are managed with SVG using D3 plugins."

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